Ah. Hi everybody.Today I am free because I don't have homework.However I don't want spend time with other work so I decide to spend time with this blog. This blog will be nonsense again so who busy ,you should close this blog and spend time with your work.
Today I will write about "Pradudang Shop"(I apologize if this name wrong).I think you ever seen and buy something from this shop.This shop is open in this semester.I am very surprise because it is new shop in school(and it is only big one stationery shop in school because "Sawaddikan Shop"(I apologize if this name wrong) was closed now.).I think this shop manage by teacher and other official.If you want to buy somethings in this shop,you must count its cost before expend because this shop is self-service.I think it is good because it make me fun with shopping( and remind me don't buy a lot).Some student think this shop is unready but I think it will be better soon.
Ah.see you next blog.