Let's start.My favorite anime studio is Kyoto Animation.It was established in 1981 by former Mushi Pro staff, became a limited company in 1985 and then became a corporation in 1999. Although,It was established for long time ago but it's animations isn't have a lot.
It's products which I like are Lucky star,Nichijou,Hyoka,Chuunibyou demo ga shitai!,etc.First it's product which I watched is Lucky star.This animation introduce Kyoto Animation to me.
Charm and unique of it's products (in my sight) are it's high quality of picture and Approach to narrative by animation.In my idea almost it's product are high quality animation which have good soundtrack,good voice artist which very match with character,good animation Technique and when this studio make animation from novel,it will narrate story with different from novel(I like in this point very much because it will make me surprised.) in some animations.(All of this is my idea only so you can think different from me.)
This is my favorite scene in Hyoka and Chuunibyou demo ga shitai!,See you next blog.