วันเสาร์ที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

fourth blog

                                    Hello.Today is Saturday.I have a excite and little horror event today.I will write it in this blog.this story have a bad content so good child don't have to read it.
                                    Ahhh. Let's start.In this afternoon my family went outside for study.We went to King-kaew market.My father want to buy a net(it use a llittle time about 1.30 minutes). This market is big but it don't have Parker. People usually park their car on roadside but the law permit in some time only(some people don't know what time).We parked car on side road with other cars.Right of my dad's car is nisson march and left of my dad's car is pickup.When my father went to bought a net,I and my mother saw something. ------Black and white----paper in hand-----Police?? ahh we saw a police grab a paper is walking to nissan march.---EEEHHH---Police!---Police!!!!!!!!!!Pickup is gone. My mother run to called dad in shop to get out from this place.We went out in time.We was almost crazy with this event.

