The food in school is cheaper than the food that is sold outside.However,I think it is really expensive because when about 8 year ago I can bought in 15-20 baths,but today it was sold at 25 and up.I want to saving my money but I don't have choice. Some people may choose bread from shop for lunch.Bread is good choice for saving but I think If I continually eat it,my health will be destroyed.So,for saving,today I cut all outgoings about my sweet dessert.In my opinion,this choice is best choice to save my money.I choose this choice despite it will harry me when my friend is eating dessert.
Now.I have to do my homework.It is waiting for me but time is not waiting for everybody,me too.So see you next blog.
-------------Now,I want sweet very much.----Please,give me some dessert.----Please.--------------